Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

Bringing self-driving cars to NASCAR

Ever since mankind could go fast, we have longed to go faster. And ever since we’ve done work, we have longed to have someone else, or something else, do that work for us. You might already be familiar with our self-driving car project. We’ve spent years working on a tough engineering problem—how to create a hardware and software system capable of gathering and interpreting massive amounts of real-time data and acting on that knowledge swiftly and surely enough to navigate innumerable varieties of crowded thoroughfares without ever once (among other human frailties) exploding in a fit of road rage at the guy who just cut hard left across your lane without even bothering to flash his blinker.

Well, our autonomous cars have now been test-driven (or rather, test-ridden) for more than 200,000 miles without a single machine-caused mishap. And today we're moving the project one great leap forward with Google Racing, a groundbreaking partnership with NASCAR to help self-driving vehicles compete in the world of stock car racing. We think the most important thing computers can do in the next decade is to drive cars—and that the most important thing Google Racing can do in the next decade is drive them, if possible, more quickly than anyone else. Or anything else.

Find more photos on our Google+ page

The program remains in its infancy; we’ll surely face numerous testing and competitive hurdles before our first car peels out into a NASCAR race. But I couldn’t be more excited about the possibilities. NASCAR’s ambitious technology investments—from driver safety to green initiatives—and the sport’s spirit of challenge, effort and execution all beautifully embody our most deeply held values as a company. Having skidded around a parking lot last week myself, I’m pretty sure that none of those test miles were as hard as it will be for one of our cars to hold its own in a field of 43 jacked-up, 800-horsepower beasts screaming down a straightaway within inches of each other at upwards of 200 miles per hour. I can't imagine a more exciting challenge for our team than to race our autonomous vehicles against their carbon-based competitors.

Find more photos on our Google+ page

Larry and I have always believed in tackling big problems that matter, and we’re surer than ever that self-driving cars are one of them, capable of changing the world in all kinds of truly important ways, like reducing traffic and accidents by driving more efficiently, making correct split-second decisions and never shifting their focus off the road to check a map, text a friend, apply rear-view mirror mascara or dip a piece of tekka maki into a lid of soy sauce jostling over on the passenger seat. I hope that today’s announcement of Google Racing will mark another step along this path, and spur innovations that improve the daily lives of people all over the world. Or at the very least offer us a few cool new thrills on hot weekend afternoons.

Update Apr 1, 10:05 a.m.: As you probably guessed—no, Google Racing isn’t real. We were really happy to work with NASCAR on this April Fools' joke. The technological advancements this sport has made in the last decade are impressive and while we won’t be providing self-driving cars to compete in the races, we look forward to working together with NASCAR in the future on projects like their YouTube channel. What better way to drive change?

Read more > Bringing self-driving cars to NASCAR

Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

The Big Tent, and big ideas, arrive stateside

The Internet has transformed society in so many ways, and that’s bound to continue. The aim of our Big Tent events is to bring together people with diverse views to debate some of the hot-button issues that transformation raises.

This week we hosted our first Big Tent event stateside at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, Calif. The theme was Digital Citizenship, and over the course of the day we discussed child safety online, the most effective ways to incorporate technology with education and what governments and civil society can do to maintain a responsible and innovative web.

The policymakers, commentators and industry members who attended heard from a variety of speakers, from child prodigy and literacy evangelist Adora Svitak to filmmaker and Webby Awards founder Tiffany Shlain. Wendy Kopp, the CEO and founder of Teach for America, gave a keynote about the need to integrate technology into education thoughtfully, not as a panacea, but rather within a greater context that supports critical thinking and other crucial curriculum goals. In a fireside chat with David Drummond, Jennifer Pahlka, the founder and executive director of Code for America (which takes the idea of skilled service from Teach for America and applies it to programmers) laid out her vision for a growing corps of young coder volunteers with an “agile, maker-and-doer mentality” that can help local governments better serve their citizens, and help citizens better participate in their democracy. “Instead of a chorus of voices,” she said, “I’d like to see a chorus of hands.”

We also launched a new Big Tent YouTube channel with a collection of content from past Big Tents and information about upcoming events around the world. Visit the channel to watch speaker videos, participate in the debate via the comments, get more information on the presenters and see how different communities approach many of the same issues. Stay tuned for future Big Tents, both here and abroad.

Read more > The Big Tent, and big ideas, arrive stateside

Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

Learning independence with Google Search features

Searches can become stories. Some are inspiring, some change the way we see the world and some just put a smile on our face. This is a story of how people can use Google to do something extraordinary. If you have a story, share it. - Ed.

We all have memories of the great teachers who shaped our childhood. They found ways to make the lightbulb go off in our heads, instilled in us a passion for learning and helped us realize our potential. The very best teachers were creative with the tools at their disposal, whether it was teaching the fundamentals of addition with Cheerios or the properties of carbon dioxide with baking soda and vinegar. As the Internet has developed, so too have the resources available for teachers to educate their students.

One teacher who has taken advantage of the web as an educational tool is Cheryl Oakes, a resource room teacher in Wells, Maine. She’s also been able to tailor the vast resources available on the web to each student’s ability. This approach has proven invaluable for Cheryl’s students, in particular 16-year-old Morgan, whose learning disability makes it daunting to sort through search results to find those webpages that she can comfortably read. Cheryl taught Morgan how to use the Search by Reading Level feature on Google Search, which enables Morgan to focus only on those results that are most understandable to her. To address the difficulty Morgan faces with typing, Cheryl introduced her to Voice Search, so Morgan can speak her queries into the computer. Morgan is succeeding in high school, and just registered to take her first college course this summer.

There’s a practically limitless amount of information available on the web, and with search features, you can find the content that is most meaningful for you. For more information, visit

Read more > Learning independence with Google Search features

Let’s fill London with startups...

London has become one of the world's great digital capitals. The Internet accounts for eight percent of the U.K. economy and has become, in these days of tough public finances, a welcome engine of economic growth.

We believe there is even more potential for entrepreneurs to energize the Internet economy in the U.K., and to help spur growth, today we’re opening Campus London , a seven story facility in the east London neighborhood known as Tech City. Google began as a startup in a garage. We want to empower the next generation of entrepreneurs to be successful by building and supporting a vibrant startup community. Our goal with Campus is to catalyze the startup ecosystem and build Britain's single largest community of startups under one roof.

The U.K.’s Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Rt. Hon. George Osborne MP, launched Campus at this morning's official opening. The Chancellor toured the building, meeting some of the entrepreneurs currently making their home in Campus and learning more about their innovations, ranging from fashion trendsetting websites to personalized London leisure guides. He then flipped the switch on a commemorative graffiti plaque.

Campus is a collaboration between Google and partners Central Working, Tech Hub, Seedcamp and Springboard. It will provide startups with workspace in an energizing environment and will also host daily events for and with the community. We will run a regular speaker series, alongside lectures and programing, as well as provide mentorship and training from local Google teams.

Visitors will have access to a cafe and co-working space, complete with high speed wifi. We welcome members of the startup community: entrepreneurs, investors, developers, designers, lawyers, accountants, etc. and hope that this informal, highly concentrated space will lead to chance meetings and interactions that will generate the ideas and partnerships that will drive new, innovative businesses.

The buzz around Campus from within the startup community has meant that today, on day one, Campus is already at 90% capacity, with more than 100 people on site and an additional 4,500 who have signed up online to visit.

We are looking forward to getting to know the community. East London is emerging as a world-leading entrepreneurial hub, and we’re excited to be a part of it. Take a photo tour of Campus here, and if you’d like to learn more, visit us at

Let’s fill this town with startups!

(Cross-posted from the European Public Policy blog)
Read more > Let’s fill London with startups...

Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

Perawatan Kolostomi

Perawatan Kolostomi.Setelah kemarin kita memposting mengenai kolostomi maka Blog Keperawatan akan melanjutkan dengan perawatan kolostomi dan semoga pula artikel tentang bagaimana cara perawatan kolostomi ini akan bermanfaat sahabat.

Perawatan Kolostomi adalah sebuah tindakan keperawatan dalam hal membersihkan stoma kolostomi, kulit sekitar stoma , dan mengganti kantong kolostomi secara berkala sesuai kebutuhan.

Tujuan dari perawatan kolostomi ini adalah sebagai berikut :
  1. Menjaga kebersihan pasien sendiri.
  2. Mencegah terjadinya infeksi.
  3. Mencegah terjadinya iritasi kulit sekitar stoma.
  4. Mempertahankan akan kenyamanan pasien dan lingkungannya.

perawatan kolostomi,perawatan lubang kolostomi,Blog Keperawatan

Persiapan pasien sebelum dilaksanakannya perawatan kolostomi ini adalah dengan :
  • Memberi penjelasan pada pasien tentang tujuan tindakan dari perawatan kolostomi.
  • Mengatur posisi tidur pasien (supinasi)
  • Mengatur tempat tidur pasien dan lingkungan pasien serta privacy dengan (menutup gorden jendela, pintu, memasang penyekat tempat tidur), mempersilahkan keluarga untuk menunggu di luar.Bila pasien akan pulang dan diperlukan untuk belajar perawatan kolostomi maka keluarga dipersilakan untuk berada di sisi pasien untuk dapat belajar bagaimana merawat kolostomi bila di rumah.
Persiapan alat yang akan digunakan adalah :
  1. Kolostomi bag atau cincin tumit, bantalan kapas, kain berlubang, dan kain persegi empat.
  2. Kapas sublimate/kapas basah, NaCl.
  3. Kapas kering atau tissue.
  4. 1 pasang sarung tangan bersih.
  5. Kantong untuk balutan kotor.
  6. Baju ruangan / celemek.
  7. Bethadine (bila perlu) bila mengalami iritasi.
  8. Zink salep.
  9. Perlak dan alasnya.
  10. Plester dan gunting.
  11. Bila perlu obat desinfektan.
  12. Bengkok.
  13. 1 Set alat ganti balut.
Persiapan pasien adalah dengan :
  • Memberitahu pasien.
  • Menyiapkan lingkungan pasien.
  • Mengatur posisi tidur pasien.
Pelaksanaan dan Prosedur Perawatan dengan :
  1. Cuci tangan
  2. Gunakan sarung tangan
  3. Letakkan perlak dan alasnya di bagian kanan atau kiri pasien sesuai letak stoma
  4. Meletakkan bengkok di atas perlak dan didekatkan ke tubuh pasien.
  5. Mengobservasi produk stoma (warna, konsistensi, dll).
  6. Membuka kantong kolostomi secara hati-hati dengan menggunakan pinset dan tangan kiri menekan kulit pasien.
  7. Meletakan kolostomi bag kotor dalam bengkok.
  8. Melakukan observasi terhadap kulit dan stoma.
  9. Membersihkan kolostomi dan kulit disekitar kolostomi dengan kapas sublimat / kapas hangat (air hangat) / NaCl.
  10. Mengeringkan kulit sekitar colostomy dengan sangat hati-hati menggunakan kassa steril.
  11. Memberikan zink salep (tipis-tipis) jika terdapat iritasi pada kulit sekitar stoma.
  12. Menyesuaikan lubang kolostomy dengan stoma colostomi.
  13. Menempelkan kantong kolostomi dengan posisi vertical./.horizontal / miring sesuai kebutuhan pasien.
  14. Memasukkan stoma melalui lubang kantong kolostomi.
  15. Merekatkan / memasang kolostomi bag dengan tepat tanpa udara didalamnya.
  16. Merapikan klien dan lingkungannya.
  17. Membereskan alat-alat dan membuang kotoran.
  18. Melepas sarung tangan.
  19. Mencuci tangan.
  20. Membuat catatan perawatan.
Demikian tadi sahabat mengenai perawatan kolostomi bila dilakukan di rumah sakit dan bila pasien akan pulang dan kolostominya adalah permanen maka pasien dan keluarga dberikan pengetahuan dan pendidikan bagaimana cara perawatan kolostomi di rumah.
Read more > Perawatan Kolostomi

Crossing the 50 billion km mark and giving Google Maps for Android a fresh look

Every day, millions of people turn to Google Maps for Android for free, voice-guided GPS navigation to guide them to their destination. So far, Navigation on Google Maps for Android has provided 50 billion kilometers of turn-by-turn directions, the equivalent of 130,000 trips to the moon, 334 trips to the sun, 10 trips to Neptune or 0.005 light years! When getting to your destination matters most, Google Maps for Android will get you there:

A new look for Navigation on Android 4.0+ phones
In today’s release of Google Maps 6.5 for Android we’ve redesigned the Navigation home screen in Android 4.0+ to make it easier to enter a new destination or select from recent and favorite locations by swiping left or right.

Left: New Navigation home screen   Right: Navigation in Google Maps for Android

Crisper, faster maps for high pixel density devices
If your device has a high pixel density screen, such as those on Galaxy Nexus, Galaxy S II, Droid Razr and others, you’ll now get higher resolution map tiles that take better advantage of the pixels-per-inch on your screen. The result is a crisper, less cluttered map that is easier to read:

Left: Previous style Right:New style in Google Maps 6.5 for Android

Compare our new map on the right to the previous map on the left. The road network is easier to see, less obstructed by labels, and has more color contrast. At more zoomed-in levels, you’ll notice a more controlled amount of maps labels to avoid cluttering the map and blocking out street names. The new style also helps maps react faster to panning, zooming and twisting.

You'll start seeing the new style as you navigate around new areas on the map; however, you can see these changes immediately by clearing your cache from the Maps settings.

Pick your preferred public transit mode and route option
Google Maps 6.5 for Android now lets you choose to prioritize a particular transit mode (such as the bus or subway) and route option (like taking the recommended route, one with fewer transfers or one with less walking). Whether you just need to get somewhere as fast as possible, or you want to avoid the risk of a missed connection or you prefer not to tire your legs, you can get the transit directions that best suit you. Transit directions and schedules are available for 475 cities around the world.

To start using Google Maps 6.5 for Android, download the update from Google Play. Learn more about how to use other great features of Google Maps for Android on the redesigned Google Maps YouTube channel that has 12 new videos available today.

(Cross-posted on the Lat Long blog)
Read more > Crossing the 50 billion km mark and giving Google Maps for Android a fresh look

Giving you more insight into your Google Account activity

Every day we aim to make technology so simple and intuitive that you stop thinking about it—we want Google to work so well, it just blends into your life. But sometimes it’s helpful to step back and take stock of what you’re doing online.

Today we’re introducing Account Activity, a new feature in your Google Account. If you sign up, each month we’ll send you a link to a password-protected report with insights into your signed-in use of Google services.

For example, my most recent Account Activity report told me that I sent 5 percent more email than the previous month and received 3 percent more. An Italian hotel was my top Gmail contact for the month. I conducted 12 percent more Google searches than in the previous month, and my top queries reflected the vacation I was planning: [rome] and [hotel].

Click the image for a larger version

Knowing more about your own account activity also can help you take steps to protect your Google Account. For example, if you notice sign-ins from countries where you haven’t been or devices you’ve never owned, you can change your password immediately and sign up for the extra level of security provided by 2-step verification.

Account Activity is a complement to other tools like the Google Dashboard, which shows you what information is stored in your Google Account, and the Ads Preferences Manager, which lets you control the way Google tailors ads to your interests.

Give Account Activity a try, and tell us what you think by clicking on the “Send feedback” button in the lower right corner of your report. Over the next few months, we plan to incorporate more Google services. Meanwhile, we hope this feature helps you better understand and manage your information on Google.

Update March 30: Added information about related tools.

Read more > Giving you more insight into your Google Account activity

Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

Take a train through the Swiss Alps with Street View

For the first time, you can ride a train on Street View. Through a partnership with UNESCO and Rhaetian Railways, we captured 75.8 miles/122 km of the famous UNESCO World Heritage Albula/Bernina railway line with Street View cameras. Starting today, in addition to accessing the imagery from directly within Google Maps, you can also find the collection in our new gallery.

Like our trip to the Amazon, this Swiss mountain journey also began last year, when we attached the Street View trike to the wagon of a Rhaetian Railway train. From the very front of the train, the trike took 360-degree images along the expansive track.

You can watch the video of how we did it here, and for more Street View collections around the world, visit our updated Street View gallery.

Enjoy the ride!

(Cross-posted on the Lat Long blog)
Read more > Take a train through the Swiss Alps with Street View

Explore Mandela’s archives online

Last year we announced a $1.25 million grant to the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory to help preserve and digitize thousands of archival documents, photographs and videos about Nelson Mandela. Based in Johannesburg, South Africa, the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory (NMCM) is committed to documenting the life and times of one of the world's greatest statesmen and spreading his story to promote social justice throughout the world.

Today, the Mandela archive has become a reality. Along with historians, educationalists, researchers, activists and many others around the world, you can access a wealth of information and knowledge about the life and legacy of this extraordinary African leader. The new online multimedia archive includes Mandela’s correspondence with family, comrades and friends, diaries written during his 27 years of imprisonment, and notes he made while leading the negotiations that ended apartheid in South Africa. The archive will also include the earliest-known photo of Mr. Mandela and never-before seen drafts of Mr. Mandela's manuscripts for the sequel to his autobiography Long Walk to Freedom.

We’ve worked closely with the NMCM to create an interactive online experience which we hope will inspire you as much as us. You can search and browse the archives to explore different parts of Mandela’s life and work in depth: Early Life, Prison Years, Presidential Years, Retirement, Books for Mandela, Young People and My Moments with a Legend.

For example, you might be interested in Nelson Mandela’s personal memories of the time he was incarcerated and click into the Prison Years exhibit. You can immediately see a curated set of materials threaded together into a broader narrative. These include handwritten notes on his desk calendars, which show, for example, that he met President F.W. De Klerk for the first time on December 13, 1989 for two and a half hours in prison; the Warrants of Committal issued by the Supreme Court which sent him to prison; the earliest known photo of Nelson Mandela’s prison cell on Robben Island circa 1971; and a personal letter written from prison in 1963 to his daughters, Zeni and Zindzi, after their mother was arrested, complete with transcript.

From there, you might want to see all the letters held by the archive, and click “See more” in the letters category, where you can discover all personal letters or use the time filter to explore his diaries and calendars written between 1988 and 1998, where you can see that in the last page of the last diary, he met with President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni of Uganda to exchange ideas about the situation in northern Uganda. If you were a researcher, you can search through various fragments of Madiba’s memory that relate to Ahmed Kathrada, his long-time comrade, politician and anti-apartheid activist, where you can find photos, videos, manuscripts and letters that relate to him.

Finally, by clicking into the exhibit, My Moments with a Legend, you can go beyond Madiba’s personal materials to get a diverse perspective through photos, videos and stories, via the memories of people like Archbishop Desmond Tutu, F.W. De Klerk and Nomfundo Walaza, a community worker.

The Nelson Mandela Digital Archive project is an initiative by the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory and the Google Cultural Institute, which helps to preserve and promote our diverse cultural and historical heritage. Some of our other initiatives include the Art Project, digitizing the Dead Sea Scrolls and bringing the Yad Vashem Holocaust materials online.

You can start exploring the Nelson Mandela archive right now at We hope you’ll be inspired by this influential leader—the face of South Africa’s transition to democracy.

Read more > Explore Mandela’s archives online

Senin, 26 Maret 2012

A new kind of summer job: open source coding with Google Summer of Code

It's only Spring Break for most college students, but summer vacation will be here before you know it. Instead of getting stuck babysitting your little sister or mowing your neighbor's lawn, apply for Google Summer of Code and spend the summer of 2012 earning money writing code for open source projects.

Google Summer of Code is a global program that gives university students a stipend to write code for open source projects over a three month period. Accepted students are paired with a mentor from the participating projects, gaining exposure to real-world software development and the opportunity for future employment in areas related to their academic pursuits. Best of all, more source code is created and released for the use and benefit of all.

For the past ten days, interested students have had the opportunity to review the ideas pages for this year’s 180 accepted projects and research which projects they would like to contribute to this year. We hope all interested students will apply! Submit your proposal to the mentoring organizations via the Google Summer of Code program website from today through Friday, April 6 at 19:00 UTC.

Google Summer of Code is a highly competitive program with a limited number of spots. Students should consult the Google Summer of Code student manual for suggestions on how to write a quality proposal that will grab the attention of the mentoring organizations. Multiple proposals are allowed but we highly recommend focusing on quality over quantity. The mentoring organizations have many proposals to review, so it is important to follow each organization’s specific guidelines or templates and we advise you to submit your proposal early so you can receive timely feedback.

For more tips, see a list of some helpful dos and don’ts for successful student participation written by a group of experienced Google Summer of Code administrators, our user’s guide for the program site, Frequently Asked Questions and timeline. You can also stay up-to-date on all things Google Summer of Code on our Google Open Source blog, mailing lists or on Internet relay chat at #gsoc on Freenode.

To learn more about Google Summer of Code, tune in to the Google Students page on Google+ next Monday, April 2 at 3:30pm PT for a Hangout on Air with open source programs manager Chris DiBona. He'll be talking about Google Summer of Code with other members of the open source team at Google. Submit your questions about the program between now and next Monday using the hashtag #gsochangout, and Chris and the open source team will answer them live during the Hangout On Air.

Good luck to all the open source coders out there, and remember to submit your proposals early—you only have until April 6!

Read more > A new kind of summer job: open source coding with Google Summer of Code

Measuring to improve: comprehensive, real-world data center efficiency numbers

To paraphrase Lord Kelvin, if you don’t measure you can’t improve. Our data center operations team lives by this credo, and we take every opportunity to measure the performance of our facilities. In the same way that you might examine your electricity bill and then tweak the thermostat, we constantly track our energy consumption and use that data to make improvements to our infrastructure. As a result, our data centers use 50 percent less energy than the typical data center.

One of the measurements we track is PUE, or power usage effectiveness. PUE is a ratio of the total power used to run a data center to the amount used to power the servers. For instance, if a data center has a PUE of 2.0, that means that for every watt of energy that powers the servers, another watt powers the cooling, lighting and other systems. An ideal PUE would be 1.0.

In 2011, our trailing 12-month average PUE was approximately 1.14—an improvement from 1.16 in 2010. In other words, our data centers use only 14 percent additional power for all sources of overhead combined. To calculate this number we include everything that contributes to energy consumption in our data centers. That means that in addition to the electricity used to power the servers and cooling systems, we incorporate the oil and natural gas that heat our offices. We also account for system inefficiencies like transformer, cable and UPS losses and generator parasitic energy draw.

If we chose to use a simpler calculation—for instance, if we included only the data center and the cooling equipment—we could report a PUE as low as 1.06 at our most efficient location. But we want to be as comprehensive as possible in our measurements. You can see the difference in this graphic:

We’ve been publishing our PUE quarterly since 2008—in fact, we were the first company to do so, and are still the only one. Our numbers are based on actual production data taken from hundreds of meters installed throughout our data centers, not design specs or best-case scenarios. One way to think of it is comparing a car manufacturer’s mileage estimates for a new model car to the car’s real-life miles per gallon. We’re measuring real-world mileage so we can improve real-world efficiency.

Our 2011 numbers and more are available for closer examination on our data center site. We’ve learned a lot through building and operating our data centers, so we’ve also shared our best practices. These include steps like raising the temperature on the server floor and using the natural environment to cool the data center, whether it’s outside air or recycled water.

We’ve seen dramatic improvements in efficiency throughout the industry in recent years, but there’s still a lot we can do. Sharing comprehensive measurement data and ideas for improvement can help us all move forward.

Read more > Measuring to improve: comprehensive, real-world data center efficiency numbers

Minggu, 25 Maret 2012


Kolostomi.Setelah kemarin terakhir postingan kita bertemakan tahapan tidur maka hari ini kita akan mengulas sedikit mengenai apa yang disebut dengan kolostomi.Secara umum yang dimaksud dengan kolostomi adalah pembuatan lubang pada saluran pencernaan untuk membuang kotoran (BAB)/ sebuah saluran yang sengaja dibuat untuk membuang kotoran (Buang Air Besar).Dan semoga pengertian kolostomi ini bermanfat sahabat semuanya.

Kolostomi menurut terminologi dapat diartikan sebagai berikut :
  1. Sebuah lubang buatan yang dibuat oleh dokter ahli bedah pada dinding abdomen untuk mengeluarkan feses (M. Bouwhuizen, 1991)
  2. Pembuatan lubang sementara atau permanen dari usus besar melalui dinding perut untuk mengeluarkan feses (Randy, 1987)
  3. Lubang yang dibuat melalui dinding abdomen ke dalam kolon iliaka untuk mengeluarkan feses (Evelyn, 1991, Pearce, 1993)
Kolostomi sendiri dapat dibedakan dalam beberapa jenis sehingga kolostomi dibuat berdasarkan indikasi dan tujuan tertentu, sehingga jenisnya ada beberapa macam tergantung dari kebutuhan pasien itu sendiri. Kolostomi dapat dibuat secara permanen ataupun dibuat untuk sementara waktu.

Jenis daripada Kolostomi itu sendiri terbagi menjadi :
  1. Kolostomi Permanen.Pembuatan kolostomi permanen biasanya dilakukan apabila pasien sudah tidak memungkinkan untuk defekasi secara normal karena adanya keganasan, perlengketan, atau pengangkatan kolon sigmoid atau rectum sehingga tidak memungkinkan feses melalui anus. Kolostomi permanen biasanya berupa kolostomi single barrel ( dengan satu ujung lubang)
  2. Kolostomi temporer / sementara.Pembuatan kolostomi biasanya untuk tujuan dekompresi kolon atau untuk mengalirkan feses sementara dan kemudian kolon akan dikembalikan seperti semula dan abdomen ditutup kembali. Kolostomi temporer ini mempunyai dua ujung lubang yang dikeluarkan melalui abdomen yang disebut kolostomi double barrel.
Lubang kolostomi yang muncul dipermukaan abdomen berupa mukosa kemerahan yang disebut STOMA. Pada minggu pertama post kolostomi biasanya masih terjadi pembengkakan sehingga stoma tampak membesar.

pengertian kolostomi,kolostomi,perawatan kolostomi,Blog Keperawatan

Peran perawat dalam perawatan kolostomi itu sendiri mempunyai hal tersendiri.Pasien dengan pemasangan kolostomi biasanya disertai dengan tindakan laparotomi (pembukaan dinding abdomen). Luka laparotomi sangat beresiko mengalami infeksi karena letaknya bersebelahan dengan lubang stoma yang kemungkinan banyak mengeluarkan feses yang dapat mengkontaminasi luka laparotomi, perawat harus selalu memonitor kondisi luka dan segera merawat luka dan mengganti balutan jika balutan terkontaminasi feses.

Perawat harus segera mengganti kantong kolostomi jika kantong kolostomi telah terisi feses atau jika kontong kolostomi bocor dan feses cair mengotori abdomen. Perawat juga harus mempertahankan kulit pasien disekitar stoma tetap kering, hal ini penting untuk menghindari terjadinya iritasi pada kulit dan untuk kenyamanan pasien.
Kulit sekitar stoma yang mengalami iritasi harus segera diberi zink salep atau konsultasi pada dokter ahli jika pasien alergi terhadap perekat kantong kolostomi. Pada pasien yang alergi tersebut mungkin perlu dipikirkan untuk memodifikasi kantong kolostomi agar kulit pasien tidak teriritasi.

Pada pasien dengan pemasangan kolostomi perlu mendapatkan berbagai penjelasan baik itu sebelum maupun setelah tindakan operasi tersebut, terutama tentang perawatan kolostomi bagi pasien yang harus menggunakan kolostomi permanen.

Berbagai hal yang harus dikomunikasikan serta diajarkan pada pasien adalah :
  • Teknik penggantian / pemasangan kantong kolostomi yang baik dan benar.
  • Teknik perawatan stoma dan kulit sekitar stoma.
  • Waktu penggantian kantong kolostomi.
  • Teknik irigasi kolostomi dan manfaatnya bagi pasien.
  • Jadwal makan atau pola makan yang harus dilakukan untuk menyesuaikan.
  • Pengeluaran feses agar tidak mengganggu aktifitas pasien.
  • Berbagai jenis makanan bergizi yang harus dikonsumsi.
  • Berbagai aktifitas yang boleh dan tidak boleh dilakukan oleh pasien.
  • Berbagi hal / keluhan yang harus dilaporkan segera pada dokter ( jika pasien sudah dirawat dirumah / home care).
  • Berobat / kontrol ke dokter secara teratur.
  • Makanan yang tinggi serat.
Tindakan dari kolostomi itu sendiri mempunya beberapa komplikasi yang bisa terjadi.Komplikasi dari kolostomi diantaranya yaitu :
  1. Obstruksi/ penyumbatan.Penyumbatan dapat disebabkan oleh adanya perlengketan usus atau adanya pengerasan feses yang sulit dikeluarkan. Untuk menghindari terjadinya sumbatan, pasien perlu dilakukan irigasi kolostomi secara teratur. Pada pasien dengan kolostomi permanen tindakan irigasi ini perlu diajarkan agar pasien dapat melakukannya sendiri di kamar mandi.
  2. Infeksi.Kontaminasi feses merupakan factor yang paling sering menjadi penyebab terjadinya infeksi pada luka sekitar stoma. Oleh karena itu pemantauan yang terus menerus sangat diperlukan dan tindakan segera mengganti balutan luka dan mengganti kantong kolstomi sangat bermakna untuk mencegah infeksi.
  3. Retraksi stoma / mengkerut.Stoma mengalami pengikatan karena kantong kolostomi yang terlalu sempit dan juga karena adanya jaringan scar yang terbentuk disekitar stoma yang mengalami pengkerutan.
  4. Prolaps pada stoma.Terjadi karena kelemahan otot abdomen atau karena fiksasi struktur penyokong stoma yang kurang adekuat pada saat pembedahan.
  5. Stenosis.Penyempitan dari lumen stoma.
  6. Perdarahan stoma

Demikian tadi sahabat artikel mengenai kolostomi dan semoga hal ini dapat bermanfaat untuk menambah pengetahuan di bidang kesehatan mengenai kolostomi itu sendiri.
Read more > Kolostomi

Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Ideas worthy of space travel: The YouTube Space Lab global winners

Can you teach an old spider new tricks? Could better understanding alien superbugs cure diseases on Earth? These are the questions that will be asked by the two winning experiments of YouTube Space Lab, the science competition that challenged students from 14 to 18 years old to design a science experiment that could be performed in space. Your votes and our expert judges chose the winners from thousands of entries from around the world. Experiments submitted by Dorothy and Sara, from Troy, Mich., U.S. (winners in the 14-16-year-old age group) and Amr from Alexandria, Egypt (winner in the 17-18-year-old age group) will be performed aboard the International Space Station and live streamed to the world on YouTube.

Meet Amr from Alexandria, Egypt
Global Winner, 17-18-year-old age group:

Meet Dorothy and Sara from Troy, Mich., U.S.
Global Winners, 14-16-year-old age group:

Sunita Williams—the NASA astronaut who’ll fly to the International Space Station later this year and perform the winning experiments live on YouTube—announced the global winners at a special ceremony in Washington, D.C., where the six regional winning teams were gathered. While in Washington, all the teams also took a ZERO-G weightless flight and a private tour of the the Udvar-Hazy Air & Space Museum.

In addition to having their experiments performed in space, Amr, Dorothy and Sara get to choose between one of two awesome space adventures: a trip to Japan to watch their experiment blast off in a rocket bound for the ISS or, once they’re 18 years old, a week-long astronaut course in Star City, Russia, the training center for Russian cosmonauts.

Subscribe to the YouTube Space Lab channel for all the best space playlists and to check out video of the winners on their ZERO-G flight. Stay tuned for the live stream from space, which will take place later this year.

Read more > Ideas worthy of space travel: The YouTube Space Lab global winners

Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

Visit the Amazon on World Forest Day with Street View

Last August, a few members of our Brazil and U.S. Street View and Google Earth Outreach teams were invited to the Amazon Basin to collect ground-level images of the rivers, forest and communities in the Rio Negro Reserve. Today, on World Forest Day, we’re making those images available through the Street View feature on Google Maps. Now anyone can experience the beauty and diversity of the Amazon.

Tributary of the Rio Negro - View Larger Map

Take a virtual boat ride down the main section of the Rio Negro, and float up into the smaller tributaries where the forest is flooded. Stroll along the paths of Tumbira, the largest community in the Reserve, or visit some of the other communities who invited us to share their lives and cultures. Enjoy a hike along an Amazon forest trail and see where Brazil nuts are harvested. You can even see a forest critter if you look hard enough!

Amazon Rainforest - View Larger Map

This project was made possible in partnership with the Amazonas Sustainable Foundation (FAS), the local nonprofit conservation organization that invited us to the area. We used the Street View trike and a tripod camera with a fisheye lens—typically used to capture imagery of business interiors—to capture both the natural landscape and the local communities. In all, more than 50,000 still photos were stitched together to create these immersive, 360-degree panoramic views:

Many areas of the Amazon, including Rio Negro Reserve, are under the protection of the Brazilian government with restricted access to the public, so we hope that this Street View collection provides access to this special corner of the planet that many of us otherwise wouldn’t have the chance to experience. Together with FAS, we’re thrilled to help everyone from researchers and scientists to armchair explorers around the world learn more about the Amazon, and better understand how local communities there are working to preserve this unique environment for future generations.

To do this directly from maps you can go to Brazil map and drag Pegman to the Rio Negro River

Start exploring this portion of the Amazon and other collections around the world on the updated Street View site and gallery.

(Cross-posted on the Lat Long blog)
Read more > Visit the Amazon on World Forest Day with Street View

Tahapan Tidur

Tahapan Tidur.Setelah kemarin kita belajar mengenai resusitasi jantung maka kita akan belajar kembali mengenai tahapan tidur dan semoga artikel Blog Keperawatan ini tentang mengenal tahapan tidur ini bermanfaat.

Pengertian tidur dapat didefinisikan sebagai :
suatu keadaan di bawah sadar dimana seseorang itu masih dapat untuk dibangunkan dengan pemberian rangsang sensorik atau dengan rangsang lainnya (Guyton & Hall, 1997).
Tidur merupakan proses fisiologis yang bersiklus bergantian dengan periode yang lebih lama dari keterjagaan.(Potter & Perry ,2005))
Beberapa manfaat yang bisa kita dapatkan dalam tidur adalah :
  • Kebutuhan tidur dan istirahat yang sesuai sama pentingnya dengan kebutuhan nutrisi dan olahraga yang cukup bagi kesehatan.
  • Tidur diperlukan untuk memperbaiki proses biologis secara rutin.
  • Selama tidur tubuh akan bisa menyimpan energi.

pengertian tidur,tahapan tidur,Blog Keperawatan

Menurut Alimul (2006) tahap siklus tidur terdiri dari :
1. Tahap tidur jenis gelombang lambat atau NREM, yaitu terdiri:
  1. Merupakan tahap transisi antara bangun dan tidur dengan ciri-ciri rileks, masih sadar dengan lingkungan, merasa ngantuk, bola mata bergerak dari samping ke samping, frekuensi nadi dan nafas menurun, dapat bangun segera. Tahap ini berlangsung selama 5 menit.
  2. Merupakan tahap tidur ringan dan proses tubuh terus menurun dengan ciri-ciri mata pada umumnya menetap, denyut jantung dan frekuensi nafas menurun, temperatur tubuh menurun, metabolisme menurun, berlangsung pendek dan berakhir 10-15 menit.
  3. Merupakan tahap tidur dengan ciri denyut nadi dan frekuensi nafas serta proses tubuh lainnya lambat, disebabkan oleh adanya dominan sistem saraf parasimpatis dan sulit untuk bangun, berlangsung 15-30 menit.
  4. Tahap tidur dalam, dengan ciri kecepatan jantung dan pernafasan menurun, jarang bergerak dan sulit dibangunkan, sekresi lambung menurun dan tonus otot juga menurun serta gerak bola mata cepat.

2. Tahap tidur Paradoks atau REM
Tahap tidur paradoks berlangsung pada tidur malam yang terjadi selama 5-20 menit, rata-rata muncul 90 menit. Periode pertama terjadi selama 30-100 menit, apabila kondisi orang sangat lelah maka awal tidur sangat cepat dan tidur tahap ini tidak ada. Ciri tidur paradoks adalah disertai mimpi aktif, sangat sulit dibangunkan, tonus otot selama tidur nyenyak sangat tertekan, frekuensi jantung dan pernafasan menjadi tidak teratur, pada otot perifer terjadi beberapa gerakan otot yang tidak teratur, mata cepat tertutup dan terbuka, nadi cepat dan ireguler tekanan darah mengalami fluktuasi, sekresi gaster meningkat dan metabolisme juga meningkat. Tidur paradoks atau REM penting untuk keseimbangan mental, emosi, juga berperan dalam belajar, memori dan adaptasi.

Demikian tadi sahabat artikel mengenai tahapan tidur dan semoga bermanfaat artikelnya sahabat semuanya
Read more > Tahapan Tidur

Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

Fase Resusitasi Jantung Paru

Fase Resusitasi Jantung Paru.Melanjutkan postingan yang bersambung kemarin tentang Penatalaksanaan RJP maka hari ini Blog Keperawatan akan mencoba share kembali tentang Fase Rasusitasi Jantung Paru.Sebelumnya admin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada sahabat Cerita Anak Kost yang telah meluangkan waktunya untuk membantu membuatkan header Blog Keperawatan ini.Hanya ucapan terima kasih yang admin bisa ucapkan sahabat.Lanjut saja ke topik postingan hari ini yaitu beberapa fase resusitasi jantung paru ini dan semoga bisa bermanfaat.

Fase Rasusitasi Jantung Paru ini terdiri dari 3 fase penting yaitu :

Bila terjadi nafas primer, jantung terus dapat memompa darah selama beberapa menit dan sisa O2 yang berada dalam paru darah akan terus beredar ke otak dan organ vital lain. Penanganan dini pada korban dengan henti nafas atau sumbatan jalan nafas dapat mencegah henti jantung. Bila terjadi henti jantung primer, O2 tidak beredar dan O2 yang tersisa dalam organ vital akan habis dalam beberapa detik.

Henti jantung dapat disertai dengan fenomena listrik berikut :
  • Fibrilasi Ventrikular (VF).
  • Takhikardia Ventrikular (VT).
  • Asistol Ventrikular atau disosiasi elektromekanis.
Tindakan resusitasi meliputi posisi pembukaan jalan nafas buatan dan kompresi dada luar dilakukan kalau memang betul dibutuhkan. Ini ditentukan penilaian yang tepat.Setiap langkah ABC RJP dimulai dengan penentuan tidak ada respon, tidak ada nafas dan tidak ada nadi. Pada korban yang tiba- tiba kolaps, kesadaran harus segera ditentukan dengan tindakan goncangan atau teriak yang terdiri dari menggoncangkan korban dengan lembut dan memanggil keras.

Bila tidak dijumpai tanggapan hendaknya korban diletakkan dalam posisi terlentang dan ABC pada BHD hendaknya dilakukan. Sementara itu mintalah pertolongan dan bila mungkin aktifitaskan sistem pelayanan medis darurat.

fase resusitasi jantung paru,Fase RJP,Fase CPR,Blog Keperawatan

1. Airway (Jalan Nafas)
Sumbatan jalan nafas oleh lidah yang menutupi dinding posterior faring adalah merupakan persoalan yang sering timbul pada pasien yang tidak sadar dengan posisi terlentang. Resusitasi tidak akan berhasil bila sumbatan tidak diatasi. Tiga cara telah dianjurkan untuk menjaga agar jalan nafas tetap terbuka yaitu dengan metode ekstensi kepala angkat leher, metode ekstensi kepala angkat dagu dan metode angkat dagu dorong mandibula, dimana metode angkat dagu dorong mandibula lebih efektif dalam membuka jalan nafas atas daripada angkat leher.

Pendorongan mandibula saja tanpa ekstensi kepala juga merupakan metode paling aman untuk memelihara jalan nafas atas tetap terbuka, pada pasien dengan dugaan patah tulang leher. Bila korban yang tidak sadar bernafas spontan dan adekuat dengan tidak ada sianosis, korban sebaiknya diletakkan dalam posisi mantap untuk mencegah aspirasi.

Bila tidak diketahui atau dicurigai ada trauma kepala dan leher, korban hanya digerakkan atau dipindahkan bila memang mutlak diperlukan karena gerak yang tidak betul dapat mengakibatkan paralisis pada korban dengan cedera leher. Disini teknik dorong mandibula tanpa ekstensi kepala merupakan cara yang paling aman untuk membuka jalan nafas, bila dengan ini belum berhasil dapat dilakukan sedikit ekstensi kepala.

2. Breathing (Pernafasan)
Setelah jalan nafas terbuka, penolong hendaknya segera menilai apakah pasien dapat bernafas spontan atau tidak. Ini dapat dilakukan dengan mendengarkan gerak nafas pada dada korban. Bila pernafasan spontan tidak timbul kembali diperlukan ventilasi buatan.

Untuk melakukan ventilasi mulut ke mulut penolong hendaknya mempertahankan kepala dan leher korban dalam salah satu sikap yang telah disebutkan diatas dan memencet hidung korban dengan satu tangan atau dua kali ventilasi dalam. Kemudian segera raba denyut nadi karotis atau femoralis. Bila ia tetap henti nafas tetapi masih mempunyai denyut nadi diberikan ventilasi yang dalam sebesar 800 ml sampai 1200 ml setiap 5 detik.

Bila denyut nadi karotis tidak teraba, dua kali ventilasi dalam harus diberikan sesudah tiap 15 kompresi dada pada resusitasi yang dilakukan oleh seorang penolong dan satu ventilasi dalam sesudah tiap 5 kompresi dada pada yang dilakukan oleh 2 penolong. Tanda ventilasi buatan yang adekuat adalah dada korban yang terlihat naik turun dengan amplitudo yang cukup ada udara keluar melalui hidung dan mulut korban selama respirasi sebagai tambahan selama pemberian ventilasi pada korban, penolong dapat merasakan tahanan dan pengembangan paru korban ketika diisi.

Pada beberapa pasien ventilasi mulut ke hidung mungkin lebih efektif daripada ventilasi mulut ke mulut. Ventilasi mulut ke stoma hendaknya dilakukan pada pasien dengan trakeostomi. Bila ventilasi mulut ke mulut atau mulut ke hidung tidak berhasil baik walaupun jalan nafas telah dicoba dibuka, faring korban harus diperiksa untuk melihat apakah ada sekresi atau benda asing.

Pada tindakan jari menyapu, korban hendaknya digulingkan pada salah satu sisinya. Sesudah dengan paksa membuka mulut korban dengan satu tangan memegang lidah dan rahangnya, penolong memasukkan jari telunjuk dan jari tengah tangan yang lain kedalam satu sisi mulut korban dalam satu gerakan menyapu. Bila tindakan ini gagal untuk mengeluarkan benda asing, hendaknya dikerjakan hentakan abdomen atau hentakan dada, sehingga tekanan udara dalam abdomen meningkat dan akan mendorong benda untuk keluar.

Hentakan dada dilakukan pada korban yang terlentang, teknik ini sama dengan kompresi dada luar. Urutan yang dianjurkan adalah :
  1. Berikan 6 sampai 10 kali hentakan abdomen.
  2. Buka mulut dan lakukan sapuan jari.
  3. Reposisi pasien, buka jalan nafas dan coba beri ventilasi buatan dapat dilakukan dengan sukses.
Bila sesudah dilakukan gerak tripel (ekstensi kepala, buka mulut dan dorong mandibula), pembersihan mulut dan faring ternyata masih ada sumbatan jalan nafas, dapat dicoba pemasangan pipa jalan nafas. Bila dengan ini belum berhasil perlu dilakukan intubasi trakheal. Bila tidak mungkin atau tidak dapat dilakukan intubasi trakheal, sebagai alternatifnya adalah krikotomi atau fungsi membrane krikotiroid dengan jarum berlumen besar (misal dengan kanula intravena 14 G). Bila masih ada sumbatan di bronkhus maka perlu tindakan pengeluaran benda asing dari bronkhus atau terapi bronkhospasme dengan aminophilin atau adrenalin.

3. Circulation (Sirkulasi)
Bantuan ketiga dalam BHD adalah menilai dan membantu sirkulasi. Tanda- tanda henti jantung adalah:
  1. Kesadaran hilang dalam waktu 15 detik setelah henti jantung.
  2. Tak teraba denyut nadi arteri besar (femoralis dan karotis pada orang dewasa atau brakhialis pada bayi).
  3. Henti nafas atau megap- megap.
  4. Terlihat seperti mati.
  5. Warna kulit pucat sampai kelabu.
  6. Pupil dilatasi (45 detik setelah henti jantung)
  7. Tidak ada nadi yang teraba pada arteri besar, pemeriksaan arteri karotis sesering mungkin merupakan tanda utama henti jantung.
Diagnosis henti jantung dapat ditegakkan bila pasien tidak sadar dan tidak teraba denyut arteri besar. Pemberian ventilasi buatan dan kompresi dada luar diperlukan pada keadaan sangat gawat.Korban hendaknya terlentang pada permukaan yang keras agar kompresi dada luar yang dilakukan efektif. Penolong berlutut di samping korban dan meletakkan sebelah tangannya diatas tengah pertengahan bawah sternum korban sepanjang sumbu panjangnya dengan jarak 2 jari dari persambungan episternum. Tangan penolong yang lain diletakkan diatas tangan pertama, jari- jari terkunci dengan lurus dan kedua bahu tepat diatas sternum korban, penolong memberikan tekanan ventrikel ke bawah yang cukup untuk menekan sternum 4 sampai 5 cm.

Setelah kompresi harus ada relaksasi, tetapi kedua tangan tidak boleh diangkat dari dada korban, dianjurkan lama kompresi sama dengan lama relaksasi. Bila ada satu penolong, 15 kompresi dada luar (laju 80 sampai 100 kali/ menit) harus diikuti dengan pemberian 2 kali ventilasi dalam (2 sampai 3 detik). Dalam satu menit harus ada 4 siklus kompresi dan ventilasi (yaitu minimal 60 kompresi dada dan 8 ventilasi). Jadi 15 kali kompresi dan 2 ventilasi harus selesai maksimal dalam 15 detik. Bila ada 2 penolong, kompresi dada diberikan oleh satu penolong dengan laju 80 sampai 100 kali/ menit dan pemberian satu kali ventilasi dalam 1 sampai 1,5 detik oleh penolong kedua sesudah tiap kompresi kelima. Dalam satu menit minimal harus ada 60 kompresi dada dan 12 ventilasi. Jadi lima kompresi dan satu ventilasi maksimal dalam 5 detik.

Kompresi dada harus dilakukan secara halus dan berirama. Bila dilakukan dengan benar, kompresi dada luar dapat menghasilkan tekanan sistolik lebih dari 100 mmHg, dan tekanan rata- rata 40 mmHg pada arteri karotis. Kompresi dada tidak boleh terputus lebih dari 7 detik setiap kalinya, kecuali pada intubasi trakheal, transportasi naik turun tangga dapat sampai 15 detik. Sesudah 4 daur kompresi dan ventilasi dengan rasio 15 : 2, lakukan reevaluasi pada pasien. Periksa apakah denyut karotis sudah timbul (5 detik). Bila tidak ada denyut lanjutkan dengan langkah berikut : Periksa pernafasan 3 sampai 5 detik bila ada, pantau pernafasan dan nadi dengan ketat. Bila tidak ada lakukan ventilasi buatan 12 kali per menit dan pantau nadi dengan ketat. Bila RJP dilanjutkan beberapa menit dihentikan, periksa apakah sudah timbul nadi dan ventilasi spontan begitu seterusnya.

Bantuan hidup lanjut berhubungan dengan teknik yang ditujukan untuk memperbaiki ventilasi dan oksigenasi korban dan pada diagnosis serta terapi gangguan irama utama selama henti jantung. Bantuan hidup dasar memerlukan peralatan khusus dan penggunaan obat. Harus segera dimulai bila diagnosis henti jantung atau henti nafas dibuat dan harus diteruskan sampai bantuan hidup lanjut diberikan. Setelah dilakukan ABC RJP dan belum timbul denyut jantung spontan, maka resusitasi diteruskan dengan langkah DEF.

1. Drug and Fluid (Obat dan Cairan)
Tanpa menunggu hasil EKG dapat diberikan :
a. Adrenalin : 0,5 – 1,0 mg dosis untuk orang dewasa, 10 mcg/ kg pada anak- anak. Cara pemberian : iv, intratrakeal lewat pipa trakeal (1 ml adrenalin diencerkan dengan 9 ml akuades steril, bukan NaCl, berarti dalam 1 ml mengandung 100 mcg adrenalin). Jika keduanya tidak mungkin : lakukan intrakardial (hanya oleh tenaga yang sudah terlatih). Di ulang tiap 5 menit dengan dosis sama sampai timbul denyut spontan atau mati jantung.
b. Natrium Bikarbonat : dosis mula 1 mEq/ kg (bila henti jantung lebih dari 2 menit) kemudian dapat diulang tiap 10 menit dengan dosis 0,5 mEq/ kg sampai timbul denyut jantung spontan atau mati jantung.
Penggunaan natrium bikarbonat tidak lagi dianjurkan kecuali pada resusitasi yang lama, yaitu pada korban yang diberi ventilasi buatan yang lama dan efisien, sebab kalau tidak asidosis intraseluler justru bertambah dan tidak berkurang. Penjelasan untuk keanehan ini bukanlah hal yang baru. CO2 yang tidak dihasilkan dari pemecahan bikarbonat segera menyeberangi membran sel jika CO2 tidak diangkut oleh respirasi.

2. EKG
Meliputi fibrilasi ventrikuler, asistol ventrikuler dan disosiasi elektro mekanis.
3. Fibrilation Treatment (Terapi Fibrilasi)

Elektroda dipasang disebelah kiri puting susu kiri disebelah kanan sternum atas, defibrilasi luar arus searah :
  • 200 – 300 joule pada dewasa.
  • 100 – 200 joule pada anak.
  • 50 – 100 joule pada bayi

Jenis pengelolaan pasien yang diperlukan pasien yang telah mendapat resusitasi bergantung sepenuhnya kepada resusitasi. Pasien yang mempunyai defisit neurologis dan tekanan darah terpelihara normal tanpa aritmia hanya memerlukan pantauan intensif dan observasi terus menerus terhadap sirkulasi, pernafasan, fungsi otak, ginjal dan hati. Pasien yang mempunyai kegagalan satu atau lebih dari satu sistem memerlukan bantuan ventilasi atau sirkulasi, terapi aritmia, dialisis atau resusitasi otak.

Organ yang paling terpengaruh oleh kerusakan hipoksemik dan iskemik selama henti jantung adalah otak. Satu dari lima orang yang selamat dari henti jantung mempunyai defisit neurologis. Bila pasien tetap tidak sadar, hendaknya dilakukan upaya untuk memelihara perfusi dan oksigenasi otak. Tindakan ini meliputi penggunaan agen vasoaktif untuk memelihara tekanan darah sistemik yang normal, penggunaan steroid untuk mengurangi sembab otak dan penggunaan diuretik untuk menurunkan tekanan intracranial. Oksigen tambahan hendaknya diberikan dan hiperventilasi derajad sedang juga membantu.

Semua tenaga kesehatan dituntut untuk memulai RJP segera setelah diagnosis henti nafas atau henti jantung dibuat, tetapi dokter pribadi korban hendaknya lebih dulu diminta nasehatnya sebelum upaya resusitasi dihentikan. Tidak sadar ada pernafasan spontan dan refleks muntah dan dilatasi pupil yang menetap selama 15 sampai 30 menit atau lebih merupakan petunjuk kematian otak kecuali pasien hipotermik atau dibawah efek barbiturat atau dalam anesthesia umum. Akan tetapi tidak adanya tanggapan jantung terhadap tindakan resusitasi. Tidak ada aktivitas listrik jantung selama paling sedikit 30 menit walaupun dilakukan upaya RJP dan terapi obat yang optimal menandakan mati jantung.

Dalam resusitasi darurat, seseorang dinyatakan mati, jika :
  1. Terdapat tanda- tanda mati jantung.
  2. Sesudah dimulai resusitasi pasien tetap tidak sadar, tidak timbul ventilasi spontan dan refleks muntah serta pupil tetap dilatasi selama 15 sampai 30 menit atau lebih, kecuali kalau pasien hipotermik atau dibawah pengaruh barbiturat atau anestesia umum.
Dalam keadaan darurat resusitasi dapat diakhiri bila ada salah satu dari berikut ini :
  1. Telah timbul kembali sirkulasi dan ventilasi spontan yang efektif.
  2. Upaya resusitasi telah diambil alih oleh orang lain yang lebih bertanggung jawab meneruskan resusitasi (bila tidak ada dokter).
  3. Seorang dokter mengambil alih tanggung jawab (bila tidak ada dokter sebelumnya).
  4. Penolong terlalu capek sehingga tak sanggup meneruskan resusitasi.
  5. Pasien dinyatakan meninggal dunia.
Setelah dimulai resusitasi ternyata diketahui bahwa pasien berada dalam stadium terminal suatu penyakit yang tidak dapat disembuhkan atau hampir dapat dipastikan bahwa fungsi serebral tak akan pulih (yaitu sesudah setengah atau satu jam terbukti tidak ada nadi pada normotermia tanpa RJP.

Demikian tadi sahabat semuanya artikel mengenai Fase Rasusitasi Jantung Paru dan semoga artikel ini bermanfaat untuk menambah pengetahuan kita semuanya.
Read more > Fase Resusitasi Jantung Paru

Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

We’ve gone mad for college hoops

It's March Madness and many basketball fans are turning to the web to research teams, coaches and players to build the perfect bracket. Being sports nerds ourselves, ever since the seeds announcement on Sunday we’ve been heads down in data, and with just a few hours left until first tip-off and brackets close, we’re attempting a buzzer beater: could search volume be a good indicator of game outcome?

We looked back at basketball search trends to see how Google would have performed if it had submitted a bracket for the past few tournaments. We've had our hits and misses over the years but in the spirit of the games and curiosity, we’ve decided to reveal our picks for the 2012 tournament based on search volume. Check back often to see how we’re doing.

Along with our official bracket, we’ve collected all the ways you can use Google to make your selections and stay connected with your teams and fellow fans throughout the tournament. Explore the full list on our College Hoops 2012 page.

Stay informed
  • Keep up with your bracket picks by searching for [march madness] or individual teams like [duke basketball] to see real-time scores and schedules for the tournament.
  • Download a complimentary copy of the Zagat guide Winning Hangouts for College Basketball Fans to find a place to watch the games and cheer on your favorite teams. The guide features trusted ratings and reviews for restaurants, sports bars and gastropubs in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, New Orleans, Boston, Atlanta, Chicago and Washington, D.C.
  • Since chances are you can’t physically fly to every game around the U.S., take a virtual tour of the tournament locations via a customized map overlay in Google Earth and watch this video of 3D models of the stadiums where your favorite teams will be playing.

It's true, I only have one Pac-12 team to support, and it's not my beloved Stanford Cardinal. But, this is still my favorite time of year—buzzer beaters, Cinderella stories and an overwhelming display of pure passion and athleticism that can only be seen during a tournament like this. Good luck to all 64 teams on their journey to the National Championship, and don't forget to join the action using #GoogleHoops on Google+.

Read more > We’ve gone mad for college hoops

Helping the Hooch with water conservation at our Douglas County data center

If you’re familiar with the work of the Southern poet Sidney Lanier, you’ll know he wrote about the beauty of the Chattahoochee River in Georgia. “The Hooch,” as it’s known around here, starts up in the northeastern part of the state, runs through Atlanta and down into Alabama before emptying out into the Gulf of Mexico. Those of us who work in Google’s Douglas County, Ga. data center have a special fondness for the Chattahoochee because it’s an integral part of our ability to run a highly efficient facility.

Google’s data centers use half the energy of a typical data center in part because we rely on free cooling rather than energy hungry mechanical chillers. In Douglas County, like at most of our facilities, we use evaporative cooling, which brings cold water into the data center to cool the servers, then releases it as water vapor through cooling towers.

A typical data center can use hundreds of thousands of gallons of water a day. When we first built the Georgia facility in 2007, the water we used came from the local potable (drinking) water supply. But we soon realized that the water we used didn’t need to be clean enough to drink. So we talked to the Douglasville-Douglas County Water and Sewer Authority (known locally as the WSA) about setting up a system that uses reuse water—also known as grey- or recycled water—in our cooling infrastructure. With this system in place, we’re able to use recycled water for 100 percent of our cooling needs.

This video of the system includes never-before-seen footage of our Douglas County facility:

Here’s how it works: The WSA has a water treatment facility in Douglasville, Ga. that cleans wastewater from the local communities and releases it back into the Chattahoochee. We worked with the WSA to build a side-stream plant about five miles west of our data center that diverts up to 30 percent of the water that would have gone back into the river; instead we send it through the plant for treatment and then on to the data center. Any water that doesn’t evaporate during the cooling process then goes to an Effluent Treatment Plant located on-site. There, we treat the water once again to disinfect it, remove mineral solids and send it back out to the Chattahoochee—clean, clear and safe.

The Chattahoochee provides drinking water, public greenspace and recreational activities for millions of people. In fact, just two weeks ago it was the first river to be designated a National Water Trail in a new system announced by the Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar—a system that encourages community stewardship of local waterways. We’re glad to do our part in creating an environmentally sustainable economy along the shores of the Hooch.

Read more > Helping the Hooch with water conservation at our Douglas County data center

Rabu, 14 Maret 2012

Making our ads better for everyone

We believe that ads are useful and relevant information that can help you find what you’re looking for online—whether you’re comparing digital cameras or researching new cars. We also want you to be able to use Google and click on any ads that interest you with confidence. Just as we work hard to make Gmail free of spam and the Google Play Store free of malware, we’re committed to enforcing rigorous standards for the ads that appear on Google and on our partner sites.

Like all other Internet companies, we’re fighting a war against a huge number of bad actors—from websites selling counterfeit goods and fraudulent tickets to underground international operations trying to spread malware and spyware. We must remain vigilant because scammers will always try to find new ways to abuse our systems. Given the number of searches on Google and the number of legitimate businesses who rely on this system to reach users, our work to remove bad ads must be precise and at scale.

We recently made some improvements to help ensure the ads you see comply with our strict policies, so we wanted to give you an overview of both our principles and these new technologies.

Ads that harm users are not allowed on Google
We’ve always approached our ads system with trust and safety in mind. Our policies cover a wide range of issues across the globe in every country in which we do business. For example, our ads policies don’t allow ads for illegal products such as counterfeit goods or harmful products such as handguns or cigarettes. We also don’t allow ads with misleading claims (“lose weight guaranteed!”), fraudulent work-at-home scams (“get rich quick working from home!”) or unclear billing practices.

How it all works
With billions of ads submitted to Google every year, we use a combination of sophisticated technology and manual review to detect and remove these sorts of ads. We spend millions of dollars building technical architecture and advanced machine learning models to fight this battle. These systems are designed to detect and remove ads for malicious download sites that contain malware or a virus before these ads could appear on Google. Our automated systems also scan and review landing pages—the websites that people are taken to once they click—as well as advertiser accounts. When potentially objectionable ads are flagged by our automated systems, our policy specialists review the ads, sites and accounts in detail and take action.

Improvements to detection systems
Here are some important improvements that we’ve recently made to our systems:

  • Improved “query watch” for counterfeit ads: While anyone can report counterfeit ads, we’ve widened our proactive monitoring of sensitive keywords and queries related to counterfeit goods which allows us to catch more counterfeit ads before they ever appear on Google
  • New “risk model” to detect violations: Our computer scanning depends on detailed risk models to determine whether a particular ad may violate our policies, and we recently upgraded our engineering system with a new “risk model” that is even more precise in detecting advertisers who violate our policies
  • Faster manual review process: Some ads need to be reviewed manually. To increase our response time in preventing ads from policy-violating advertisers, we sped up our internal processes and systems for manual reviews, enabling our specialists to be more precise and fast
  • Twenty-four hour response time: We aim to respond within 24 hours upon receiving a reliable complaint about an ad to ensure that we’re reviewing ads in a timely fashion

We also routinely review and update the areas which our policies cover. For example, we recently updated our policy for ads related to short-term loans in order to protect people from misleading claims. For short-term loans, we require advertisers to disclose fine-print details such as overall fees and annual percentage rate, as well as implications for late and non-payment.

Bad ads are declining
The numbers show we’re having success. In 2011, advertisers submitted billions of ads to Google, and of those, we disabled more than 130 million ads. And our systems continue to improve—in fact, in 2011 we reduced the percentage of bad ads by more than 50% compared with 2010. That means that our methods are working. We’re also catching the vast majority of these scam ads before they ever appear on Google or on any of our partner networks. For example, in 2011, we shut down approximately 150,000 accounts for attempting to advertise counterfeit goods, and more than 95% of these accounts were discovered through our own detection efforts and risk models.

Here’s David Baker, Engineering Director, who can explain more about how we detect and remove scam ads:

What you can do to help
If you’re an advertiser, we encourage you to review our policies that aim to protect users, so you can help keep the web safe. For everyone else, our Good to Know site has lots of advice, including tips for avoiding scams anywhere on the Internet. You can also report ads you believe to be fraudulent or in violation of our policies and, if needed, file a complaint with the appropriate agency as listed in our Web Search Help Center.

Online advertising is the commercial lifeblood of the web, so it’s vital that people can trust the ads on Google and the Internet overall. We’ll keep posting more information here about our efforts, and developments, in this area.

Read more > Making our ads better for everyone

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